WORTHY CAUSE...Members of the Cranford Knights of Columbus are shown at the presentation of a ceremonial check during the Cranford Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans Day Breakfast to Folds of Honor, which provides scholarships to the family members of fallen and disabled military members along with first responders. Folds of Honor, along with the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless, were the two organizations the Knights chose to be the beneficiaries of their 21st Annual Golf Outing. Pictured are Brothers Rich Leahey, Ed Bagniewski, Joe Starkey, Don Barone, Rick Ferraioli, Ed Nestor, Grand Knight Tom Turner, Past Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney and Past Grand Knight and Golf Outing Chair John Doolan.
November 28, 2024
Knights’ Annual Golf Event To Benefit Folds of Honor
CRANFORD — The Cranford Knights of Columbus held its 21st Annual Golf Outing on September 20, which the organization described as a “tremendous success.” Ninetyfive golfers attended the event, which was held at the Galloping Hill Golf Course in Kenilworth.